
You probably have heard the saying ” Everyone talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it!”

Join our network of educators, mentors and sponsors “ The Weathermen” ! We are here to do something about it! Your help is critical in effecting the needed change in the weather eroding our industry.

As one of The Weathermen you can help ignite the fire of inspiration in the youth of today to be a valued member in the foundry community. ”The new “Masters of Metal!”

The Casting Dreams Competition is here to help you, help young people have a fun and enjoyable experience in the world of cast metals manufacturing, engineering and the related processes in this exciting industry!

This is simple, as a Weathermen you mentor youth through a introductory hands on design and manufacturing project. Guiding and helping them succeed, and cast their very own dream. Helping them gain experience along the way, from concept to finished casting. The youth you work with have their dream casting they wish to achieve. The Weathermen help guide the process. Aligning the concept with an achievable goal and “do-able” casting that fulfills the participants dream.

There is no substitution for seeing and feeling it!
This is a great way to help launch a young person into a great career and a great
Their adventure starts now!

The Casting Dreams Competition is a STEAM foundry program supported by the Steel Founders Society of America and CEO / founder of STEAM Extreme FFA Mr. Phillip Harrison, a Sculptor, Artist Blacksmith,  Designer and Founder.

Basic things to know:

This is a simple project, Help a kid cast something really cool, have fun doing it and keep it safe. You judge what is safe for each participant and process. But the more a young person does the more they learn!
1. Description of Activities. Participants will work with a variety of tools and machines while learning about foundry materials and methods. Metallurgy-related activities will include working with a variety of metals and metal-working tools. The work will involve heating metals beyond their melting point such that they can be poured into a variety of molds to create castings.

2. Voluntary Participation. We understand the Participant is not be required to participate in any portion of the activities undertaken by the Casting Dreams Competition and may decline to participate at any time.

3. Participation Rules. By participating in the Casting Dreams Competition, agree the Participant must follow any and all stated and expressed rules, whether written or verbal, as explained by the sponsor, director, teacher and/or other adult leader or instructor / mentor.


Phillip E Harrison C E O -STEAM Extreme FFA